Behind the Scenes: A Day in the Life of a Bridal Makeup Artist

As a makeup artist, our days are filled with a delightful blend of beauty, controlled chaos, and laughter. While the world sees the glamorous side of being a makeup artist, there's a secret world of behind-the-scenes moments that add a touch of humour to my daily adventures.

Early Mornings and Caffeine Fix

Let's face it, early mornings can be tough for anyone, including makeup artists. My day often starts with a bleary-eyed stumble towards the coffee machine. Picture me, half-asleep and sporting bedhead, desperately seeking that magical elixir of life to transform me into a functioning makeup artist. Coffee in hand, I'm ready to tackle the day with style and a caffeine-fuelled smile.

The Makeup Kit Conundrum

Ah, the beloved makeup kit. It's like Mary Poppins' bag—no matter how much I organise and streamline it, it always seems to contain an endless array of products. I swear there's a magical makeup gnome hiding in there, adding more shades of lipstick and eyeshadow when I'm not looking. Not to mention the constant sanitising and cleaning, sanitising and cleaning, sanitis- you get the idea.

Makeup therap-artist

As a makeup artist, I'm not just there to apply makeup—I'm also a therapist, confidante, and comedian. When you are in my chair, this is the time you cannot move for about one hour so I will do my absolute best to settle any nerves whether that is through just general chit chat, a good gossip or organising the bedlam unfolding behind you.

Makeup mishaps and quick fixes

Every makeup artist has faced the dreaded makeup mishap at least once. From an overzealous mascara wand from the dreaded sneezing fit to unintentional overlining on the lips because I decided to ask you a question right as I started applying, these little surprises keep me on my toes. But fear not! We will wait right up until you leave to walk down the aisle to make sure you are picture perfect.

The final look

Considering I have met you less than a year ago you can almost guarantee that I will be the corner crying like a baby at your final reveal’s. Don’t worry about me, I have been told this is normal from a practical stranger?! I will be armed with the tissues!

Final words: Behind the scenes, we navigate through the chaos with a smile and a touch of humour. From caffeinated mornings to lipstick acrobatics, it's these light-hearted moments that make being a makeup artist so much fun. So, as you prepare for your own wedding day, rest assured that I'll be there, armed and ready to make you look and feel absolutely fabulous.



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